Reformulation of L2-7

Vital Existence

Preoccupation To keep fit
Stabilizer Concentration — hence correspondence with Image-L2.
Commitment To physical strength, suppleness and visceral well-being.
Emphasis Feeling invigorated and exhilarated.
Sustenance Via genuine exertion using postures and movement.

As originally proposed in Ch.7, in this method a person is stabilized through being identified with their body and keeping fit and healthy. Existence is therefore embedded in the body's structures and functions. These demand regular controlled activity for a sense of vitality. The result is person who is a biological being possessed by instinctual functions and drives.

Additional Note: There also appears to be an important link to work. Even if our modern concept of work is largely non-manual, for most of mankind's evolutionary history, work has been about physical effort.

If, as is possible or even likely, the Vital method is the prevalent choice, then extra effort is needed due to modern working conditions. We see this with the explosion of gyms, often provided in the workplace.

Emotional Existence

Preoccupation To have recognizable feelings.
Stabilizer Attachment — hence correspondence with Emotion-L3.
Commitment To value others in terms of exchanges of feelings.
Emphasis Care-giving, warmth, meeting needs.
Sustenance Via containment, modification and relocation of feelings.

Some slight reformulations are proposed to what was originally proposed in Ch.7. A person exhibits an emotional sensitivity that is both mental and physiological, and the resultant feelings are valued on a good to bad continuum. However, the core stabilizer is now regarded as attachment instead of value.

Everyone forms attachments, but for emotional existence personal attachments are needed to ensure exchanges and containment of emotions. Attachments often persist even where the relationship is poor or abusive. This persistent intensity is the basis for feelings of neediness, clinging, separation anxiety and (at the extreme) panic attacks.

Satisfaction comes from valuing others who play emotional roles that permit the expression and containment of feelings, both good and bad.

An addition has been the emphasis on care-giving, personal concern and the creation of warm or loving atmospheres within which needs can be met. Typically, a person enters into a variety of reversible constructive role-relationships e.g. helper and supplicant, carer and recipient, encourager and encouragee, leader and follower. These patterns may, however, be rigid and destructive as explained in Eric Berne's 1960's classic Games People Play.

Individual Existence

Preoccupation To maintain self-esteem.
Stabilizer Respect — hence correspondence with Idea-L4.
Commitment To finding and realizing a «true self»: authenticity.
Emphasis Achievements and self acceptance.
Sustenance Via self-assertion and self-protection.

As originally proposed in Ch.7, in this method a person requires self-esteem and a continuing flow of respect. Because a person feels stabilized by being accepted and respected, it invites self-misrepresentation and even inner self-deception. A secure existence therefore depends on developing an authentic self-concept with component self-images, because these are what need esteeming. The person asserts an autonomy in this regard, and regards others as similarly autonomous.

Additional Note: It follows that personal achievements are crucial for self-esteem. These allow for self-respect when respect is not forthcoming from others in the relevant group or wider society.

Relational Existence

Preoccupation To cultivate meaningful relationships.
Stabilizer Attunement — hence correspondence with Intuition-L5.
Commitment To recognize the needs and deeper qualities of others.
Emphasis Appreciation and gratification of each other's wishes.
Sustenance Via mutuality and dialogue.

The formulation of this method differs somewhat from the Ch.7 account which included relationships of all sorts. Organising and benefiting from acquaintance-type relationships is now posited as a feature of the L'1-Sensory method. The core stabilizer is now posited as attunement, and self-actualization is de-emphasized.

A person presents here as a complete being whose individuality is manifested within and through relationships.

The current formulation therefore focuses on the active cultivation of relationships that are potentially sustainable long-term and without frequent contact being necessary. Intuition-L5 becomes the critical tool to attune so as to appreciate the other person's innate qualities and current position. Meaningful relationships imply mutuality and a recognition of deeper needs, which calls for genuine dialogue. While helpfulness in practical matters will be offered, the relationship also fosters intuitive appreciation and gratification of wishes, even if they seem unnecessary or irrational or one-sided.

Social Existence

Preoccupation To contribute purposefully.
Stabilizer Participation — hence correspondence with Identification-L6.
Commitment To worthwhile projects for a group.
Emphasis Carrying responsibility.
Sustenance Via organisation and management.

The account originally provided in Ch.7 still stands. However, it was described from a broader societal perspective than that applied here.

The person is still conceived as presenting the self as a holder of assigned and adopted roles, which are confirmed by relevant groups and wider society as being contributory.

The core stabilizer has been changed to participation—from responsibility, which is still important because of its intimate connection to purpose. The focus on society at a point in history remains relevant. However, more emphasis is given to group membership and the inevitable politics, because that is where the experience of actively participating occurs for most people.

Transpersonal Existence

Preoccupation To embrace life's spiritual dimension.
Stabilizer Faith — hence correspondence with Imagination-L7.
Commitment To open oneself to union with humanity and the Cosmos.
Emphasis Via the experience of ultimate values.
Sustenance Being guided and in harmony with the flow of events.

As originally proposed in Ch.7, in this method a person is stabilized through attaining a spirituality that overcomes ego-based drives and self-based illusions. The self dissolves into the form of a soul that seeks union with the Cosmos, God or void. In practice, union leads to a feeling of being guided and being in harmony with events as they unfold. The person, in opening to awareness, seeks and often claims enlightenment.

Faith is required to feel guided and embedded in the cosmos via union (non-duality). As a core stabilizer, faith refers to an unshakeable confidence in the beneficence of the universe without being blind to life's difficulties and pains. Being aware and moving with the universal flow is regarded as enlightenment.

Notes: This faith is not about belief in a specific religious dogma. Those who gain support by such beliefs are more likely to do so from within social existence-L'6.

Originally posted: 14-Oct-2014. Last updated 12-Dec-2014.